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conda-forge core meeting 2024-09-18

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NameInitialsGitHub IDAffiliation
Bianca HendersonBHbeeankhaAnaconda
Filipe FernandesFFocefpafconda-forge
Cheng H. LeeCHLchenghleeAnaconda/c-f
Klaus ZimmermannKZzklausQuansight
Jannis LeidelJLjezdezAnaconda/c-f
Lilly WinfreeLWlwinfreeAnaconda
Alison HillAHapreshillAnaconda
Jaime Rodríguez-GuerraJRGjaimergpQuansight/cf

X people total

Standing items

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From previous meeting(s)

Your __new__() agenda items

  • (FF) NumFOCUS 2024 summit updates
    • NF has an infrastructure and security committee now. Code of conduct committee coming up soon.
    • Ongoing conversation about whether splitting funds evenly or not.
    • NF Installation recommendations:
      • Caution about support / security / liability implications of recommending conda-forge exclusively.
      • Action item: Mention the security model of conda-forge more prominently.
      • Set meeting up to discuss this thoroughly. Interested people:
        • Jaime
        • Axel
        • Lilly (to listen)
    • Leah stepping down. New leadership will be announced soon, Leah will ensure the transition will be smooth.
  • (HV) Blog post about TOS situation?
  • (WV) Greetings from Reproducible Builds Summit
  • (WV) What's left for recipe v1 upload
    • SHA256 discussion for version bumps
  • (JRG) Trying to write an article about the history of conda-forge (and also early conda!)
  • (HV) back to alma
    • HV: everybody onboard with the current developments?
    • IF: one more question but good to go otherwise.
    • HV: Images: newer images with old sysroots?
      • If we had that change today, feedstocks using old CDTs would break.
      • IF: Have names changed in yum-requirements?
      • HV: CDT Names are kept, even if we have fewer.
      • IF: Yum packages might be different though? If they change images, their yum-requirements.txt might break if they are unlucky with the names.
      • JRG: Only after a rerender.
      • IF: Still, better to have a migrator help out.
      • HV: It would be a piggyback migrator
      • IF: It would be nice to have a proper one with the necessary skips

Pushed to next meeting


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