2019-06-26 core dev meeting
Date: Jun 26, 2019
@mention yourself and add others
- Stuff to talk about
- conversion of old style to new style on conda-forge?
- in the interim, things need to be done manually for now.
- Things are a bit difficult because anaconda.org doesn’t understand the .conda package format yet
- Can Anaconda farm out some of the conversion to conda-forge? Currently difficult
- Anaconda.org maintenance is slow. How can CF push it forward or help maintain it?
- Available CF money — what to spend it on?
- Filipe is going to an open source dev conference so some of it will be
Action items
[ ] Eric to take over organizing the dev meetings, making notes available, etc. [ ] Anaconda.org maintenance is slow. How can CF push it forward or help maintain it? What are acceptable alternatives if Anaconda.org continues to have slow maintenance and there’s no pathway for CF to contribute to the maintenance?